Willesden Green Cultural Centre

A bright new cultural hub in Brent, London


An airy dynamic space breathing new life into a community

The prestigious new £25 million Cultural Centre for the community of Willesden Green opened in September 2015, fulfilling an ambitious brief. It incorporates the restoration of a much-loved small Victorian library building with a contemporary new library and cultural hub, and 95 new one and two-bed residential apartments, all set within a conservation area of North London. A key feature of the Centre is the internal atrium with VELUX Modular Skylights set in a stunning triangular formation to echo the building’s triangular design. The attractive atrium serves to unify the entire building, creating an inviting sense of space.

In 2011 the school’s management and board approved a major renovation project that would alter the school’s construction and expand the floor space by up to 2,500 m2. The project involved constructing several new buildings, including an expansion of the canteen and a new teaching section. It was decided to install VELUX Modular Skylights in a ridgelight configuration in both of these areas – a decision that has made a clear difference in the historic Cathedral school.

The Cultural Centre encompasses the following facilities:

  • Library
  • Café
  • Customer 
  • Contact Point
  • Brent Archive
  • Brent Museum
  • Exhibition Space
  • Performance Space
  • Ampitheatre

"This was the first installation in the UK of a VMSAtrium Longlight Solution and it was a greatanswer to the challenging design of the building.A key benefit to main contractors is the fastinstallation process, enabling internal trades tocommence sooner than when using conventionalsite assembled systems. The finished installationlooks magnificent particularly as the incorporatedsmoke vents are completely indistinguishable dueto the concealed 24v actuators.The system has a number of unique details thatallow rapid installation, however it is vital that thedesign of the steelwork and adjacent trades areco-ordinated at an early stage to take fulladvantage of these features.This is the first time we have used this pre-fabricated system and it is clearly an excellentproduct.

Robert Culley,  Sales Director at Roofglaze Ltd