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What can I do?

There are many ways to get better air and daylight into your home. Some are quick and easy, others take more time but will give you solid long-term improvements.


Air out with more than one window

The contents of indoor air include gases, particles, biological waste and water vapour, which are all potential health hazards. It is recommended that you air out your home three to four times a day for at least 10 minutes at a time, with more than one window open. Also, air out your bedroom before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning.


Follow the (natural) light

Move your dining table or your desk closer to the window. Artificial light can’t replicate the qualities of sunlight, which is a natural anti-depressant. Light your home and workplace with as much daylight as possible. There is a lot of scientific evidence that associates daylight with better health and quality of life, such as improved mood, less fatigue and reduced eyestrain.


Get in rhythm

Our bodies can only synchronise with the so-called “sleep, work, live” 24-hour rhythm through the correct exposure to light and darkness. If possible, orientate your bedrooms – particularly those for adolescents and young adults, who have a delayed biological clock and often find it hard to get up in the mornings – east towards the morning sun. Also, make sure your curtains or blinds stop as much light as possible from entering the room at night.


Take a walk

Most scientists agree that being exposed to two hours of daylight per day is a great boost to our mental wellbeing. Get outside when you have a chance and try to stretch your legs on a regular basis.


Clean and air your carpets

… or better still, get rid of them. Thick carpets and furniture like old sofas are an Eldorado for dust mites and bacteria.


Limit damp and moisture

Some Canadians will dry their clothes indoors thinking they are saving energy, but it’s a bad habit. Drying clothes indoors gives off moisture, which can lead to harmful mould and damp in the home, so try dry your clothes outdoors if you can. If you don’t have the option to dry outside, try to open a window close to where your clothes are drying so you can remove some of the excess moisture. For the same reasons, make sure your bathroom is properly ventilated. The activities of a family of four typically add 10 litres of water to the indoor air – per day!


Drop tobacco, go easy on the candlelight

Smoking and candles are particularly bad for indoor climate. Be sure to limit your use of candles and refrain from smoking indoors.  


Turn things off

Electrical appliances like the TV and computer hard disks emit chemicals that contribute to a poor indoor climate.


Avoid chemicals

There are potentially harmful chemicals in most cleaning products. Wherever possible, use microfiber cloths and natural materials such as white vinegar and soap flakes. There is a great deal of online advice available to help you keep your home clean as well as free from chemicals.


Plastic’s not always fantastic

When plastics are warmed up they can give off toxic fumes. If you have children, make sure their plastic toys are not in the way of direct sunlight. Also, don’t leave plastic objects on the floor if you have floor heating installed. If we follow European guidelines, EU regulations state that you should remove any pre-2007 plastic toys as they have been found to contain certain banned chemicals. If room allows, you could consider encouraging your children to play in a different room to their bedroom. This will help to reduce the amount of potentially harmful pollutants in the air.


As well as new daily routines, it is also important to seize chances to make fundamental changes to your home’s indoor climate. We spend 90% of our time indoors and 2/3 of that time spent in our homes, so it is an ideal place to start improving your life indoors.



Think about how you can ‘bring the outside in.’ As most of us live in urban environments, to some extent we have alienated ourselves from nature. Even a step as small as adding some potted plants – which are known to purify air – can improve your indoor environment. In addition, think of how you could create a better view to the outside through smart use of windows and doors.


Adding extra square metres to your home is a great way to improve your indoor life. Consider an attic renovation or extension and prioritize solutions that bring in fresh air and daylight.


When you’re looking for a new home, bear in mind that older properties might have issues that will impact your indoor climate. For example, make sure you check that all windows can be fully opened and are functional, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. Also, when you get to the redecorating stage, choose a lighter paint colour. These will create mirrored surfaces that will reflect light better in your home.


We spend 90% of our time indoors without enough daylight or fresh air. We don’t think about it any more – but science has shown that this can be harmful to our health and wellbeing.


The power of daylight cannot be reproduced artificially. We need sunlight in order to feel energetic and healthy.